A Mother’s Chronicle: Genesis’ Surgery, A Day of Miracles and Emotions

As I sit here in the quiet of Genesis’ hospital room, the steady beep of monitors a reassuring background noise, I find myself reflecting on the whirlwind of emotions and events of the past 24 hours. How does one begin to describe a day that held so much fear, hope, and ultimately, joy?

The Surgery: A Test of Faith and Modern Medicine

Yesterday morning dawned bright and early, though sleep had been elusive for most of the night. At 6 AM, we said our tearful “see you laters” to Genesis as the nurses wheeled her away. The next 10 hours were simultaneously the longest and shortest of my life.

Dr. Madani, the surgeon who has become our beacon of hope, had explained the process to us in detail, but nothing could truly prepare us for the emotional reality of it. As Genesis lay in the operating room, her body cooled to a temperature that seems impossible for life, Dr. Madani and his team worked with precision and care that I can only describe as divinely guided.

For 10 hours, they meticulously removed clot after clot from the vessels surrounding her lungs. Eighteen in total. Eighteen potential threats to her life, each one carefully excised. The magnitude of this hits me anew each time I think about it. These clots, silent and insidious, could have taken our girl from us. But God had other plans.

The Waiting: A Crucible of Emotions

Those 10 hours of surgery were a spiritual and emotional crucible for me. I found myself cycling through every emotion imaginable – fear, hope, anxiety, peace, and back again. I prayed more in those 10 hours than I think I have in my entire life. Every tick of the clock was a reminder of the delicate dance happening in that operating room, of life hanging in the balance.

But we weren’t alone in our vigil. Messages poured in from friends, family, and even strangers who had been touched by Genesis’ story. Each one was a lifeline, a reminder that we were surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, all hoping and praying alongside us.

The Call: Relief Beyond Words

When Dr. Madani finally called to say the surgery was successful, I felt a wave of relief so profound it nearly brought me to my knees. “All is well,” he said, and in that moment, those three simple words meant everything. God’s faithfulness, Dr. Madani’s skill, Genesis’ strength, and the power of prayer – all culminated in those words.

A Mother-Daughter Moment: The Power of Connection

This morning brought a moment I’ll treasure forever. Genesis woke up, understandably groggy and uncomfortable. She began slapping my hand away, clearly frustrated. Mother’s intuition kicked in, and I sensed she was trying to tell me something important.

I grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote out the alphabet. Slowly, painfully, she pointed to two letters: W and A. “Water,” I said, and the relief in her eyes was immediate. She’s still intubated so she can’t have any yet, but just knowing I understood her brought her peace. She drifted back to sleep, calmer now.

That moment was a powerful reminder of several things:

  1. The deep, almost mystical connection between a mother and child
  2. The importance of truly listening, even when words aren’t possible
  3. How small acts of understanding can bring immense comfort


Reflections and Gratitude

As we embark on the recovery journey – expected to take a couple of weeks here in San Diego – I find myself filled with profound gratitude. For Dr. Madani and his team, for the nurses who care for Genesis with such compassion, for our family and friends who have rallied around us, and for each and every person who has lifted us up in prayer or support.

This journey has taught me so much about faith, about the strength of community, and about the resilience of the human spirit – especially as embodied by my brave Genesis.

To everyone who has been part of this journey – thank you. Your prayers, your support, your love – they’ve been tangible forces in our lives. We’ve felt them, leaned on them, been carried by them.

As we look ahead to recovery and beyond, I’m filled with hope. Genesis’ story is far from over, and I believe the greatest chapters are yet to be written. God is good, y’all. Today and every day.

With a heart overflowing with love and gratitude,

#GenesisStrong #FaithAndHope #MiraclesHappen

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